Residential MDiv
- 2024-2025 Online MDiv and MAR Course Offerings
- 2024-2025 Residential MAR/MDiv Course Offerings
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Expectations at Westminster
- Change Your Program
- Class Attendance Expectations
- Earning an MDiv After Completing an MAR
- Finding Course Prerequisites
- Finding Your Student ID
- Format Review: The Basics
- Full-Time and Part-Time Student Status Requirements
- Grading Policies
- Greek and Hebrew Placement and Competency Exam Schedule
- Honor Code
- MDiv and MAR Refund Policy
- MDiv/MAR and ThM/PhD/DMin Course Registration Policy
- Online Counseling Courses for Residential Students
- Purpose of the MDiv Program
- Recommended Course Schedules (MDiv + MAR)
- Register for an Independent Study