Grading Policies

A, B, C, and D are passing grades; F is a failing grade. The general standing for the year of every regular student is ascertained by the use of a grade point system. Grade points are assigned to grades as noted on the chart below. A student’s general standing is the result of the total number of grade points earned, divided by the total number of semester hours taken.

The faculty has adopted a four-point grading system with 12 levels for all programs as follows:



























In addition to meeting due dates and using correct English, the following table will serve as general criteria for grade levels for all programs. Final grades for each course are awarded at the discretion of the member of faculty responsible for that course and can be changed only by permission of the instructor and the Student Success team no more than one year after being issued.




An outstanding and thoughtful piece of work which shows evidence of reading and research beyond that which was assigned. The student has shown mastery of the subject and offers new insights which are well-supported by cogent and profound arguments.


A standard, good piece of work which fulfills the assignment and shows a good grasp of the basic principles. There is substantial evidence of ability to analyze and utilize course content.


This work is satisfactory but is lacking in a significant area and does not show a grasp of some basic principles.


There are serious problems with this work, though it is still passable. It represents a poor performance in comprehending the course content and only meets the minimal standard of the professor.


This work is unacceptable and fails to meet the requirements of the assignment.

Failing Grade Policies

Unearned F Grade (UF)

A student who does not attend or submit any coursework, or stops attending or submitting coursework less than halfway through the term, may receive an unearned F (UF) grade for the course. For students in online courses, a student who does not attend at least 50% of assigned small groups or submit more than 20% of assignments may receive an unearned F (UF) grade for the course.

Administrative F

One month after the grade submission deadline, if a professor has not submitted a final grade, the student will automatically be assigned a grade of “n.r.” (“not reported”).  If no grade is submitted by the end of the following semester, the “n.r.” grade will automatically convert to a failing grade. The student and professor will both be notified when the “n.r” grade and failing grade are assigned. If the student believes there are extenuating circumstances that warrant removal of the failing grade, the student has three weeks after the end of the following semester to submit a petition to the Student Success team, which will seek a decision from the Dean’s Council.

Repeating a Course

When a student repeats a course with a failing grade of F, the F remains factored into the grade-point average (GPA), as does the new grade. If a student repeats a course that has been passed, the second grade will be shown on the transcript, but only the first grade will be factored into the GPA. In language courses, below 70% is a failing grade. In these courses, a student scoring below 70 will receive a letter grade of F and must retake the course and pass it before being able to move on to the next level (or to complete their language requirements in the case of NT 013 and OT 013).

Permission to Raise a Failing Grade

For a course in which a failing grade has been received (including a former incomplete “I” resulting in a failing grade), a student with extenuating circumstances (unusual and unavoidable circumstances which contribute to the failing grade) might, at the professor’s discretion, be granted permission to take a re-examination or complete a reassignment of sufficient quality to raise the grade to an FD. Such work must be completed within a maximum of 28 days after notification of the failing grade. If the grade is raised to an FD, the student receives credit for the course, but no grade points are counted in calculating the student’s general standing.