Using the Library Database

Westminster Library's search box allows you to locate books, ebooks, and PDFs from most of our databases directly from one place.

  • Go to the library's home page and enter the research term, author, or title you want to locate. Tip: use quotation marks for results that match the phrase (e.g., "systematic theology").

  • You will need to log in after you have done an initial search. Click on the yellow login link at the top of the results page to login with your WTS account name and ID (if you don’t log in, you will only see a fraction of our available resources).

  • When you do a search, the system will display the number of results available in the library collection. This includes books, eBooks, and databases (e.g., journal articles and primary resources in full text). To narrow your results, use the limiters on the left side of the screen.

  • In the search results list, look for a link that indicates full text availability. In some cases, you will need Adobe Digital Editions downloaded and authorized on your device to read the full text of ebooks.

  • The library’s search provides access to most of our resources. However, a few of our databases are not fully searchable within this system. Access to these, is available in the “Extend Your Search” section of the results screen.

If you need help, please email