How to: Take Breaks In and Out of the Term

Needing a break but not ready to take a term off? Here are a few helpful tips for taking smaller breaks throughout the term:

  • Remind yourself of the bigger purpose behind your studies! You are doing much more than just schoolwork; you are preparing to minister to others well through the careful study of God’s Word.
  • Read your course materials in small portions: reading 25 pages per day for 4 days is much better for absorbing content than reading 100 pages in a single day.
  • Watch your course content in portions with generous breaks in between: After each lecture, spend 5 minutes writing a short summary of the lecture, and then take a 5 minute break to consider what was taught. This will help your brain to preserve what was learned and will help retain the material.
  • Plan two to three days each week that you will set aside your homework and pursue a refreshing task! Take a walk, play hide-and-seek with your kids, share a meal with friends, finish knitting that blanket, etc.
  • If you need it, take a term off! Do not sacrifice your health, family, or ministry to finish the program sooner. We value you as a person before your schoolwork, so ensure you are taking care of yourself! We are here to help you plan your breaks well and talk through when is best. 

Ready to take the term off? Our program desires to be flexible to fit the needs of your life, family, and ministry and allows for terms off if needed! You are able to take off two terms per academic year or two terms in a row, whichever comes first. It is best to plan to complete a minimum of two terms of study per academic year. Time away beyond two terms will result in withdrawal from the program. We would be glad to help you plan your terms off to keep you on track to graduate on time! Please contact to walk through this process together.