Small Group FAQ

For general information about small group meetings, please visit the instructions in the Canvas course. You can also reference this Small Group Information article.

Getting Started

Where can I find my small group?

You can find your small group by going to "People" in the course navigation menu and then clicking on the course small group tab.

How do I contact my small group members?

Using the Workplace Chat is the recommended way for you to contact your small group members. You can simply open “Chats” from the navigation bar on the left. Then click on the “Create a new chat” button on the top of the Chats column that appeared. Then you can enter your small group member’s names and send a message to your group.

Please keep in mind that some people may use their preferred names and exactly what appears in Canvas when you are searching for your small group members in Workplace.

You can also use the Canvas inbox to reach out to your small group.

What do I do if a member is not responding?

If a member is not responding, then please notify and we will work with you to establish contact. You may have to move forward with the small group meeting without the non-responsive member.

How do we meet? Where do I get the Zoom link for our meeting?

You can find the Zoom links for your small group meeting in the first module of the course. There will be a page that is called “Zoom Links for Small Group Meetings.” Please make sure you use the correct Zoom link provided in the table.

What should I do if the Zoom link is not working?

If your Zoom link is not working, then please notify You may have to meet using Google Meet or the video chat feature in the Workplace chat group. You are also welcome to use a personal Zoom account as well.

What should I do if I cannot attend a meeting?

If you cannot attend a meeting, then please notify your small group as soon as possible. You can then submit the alternate assignment for 85% credit for the small group meeting. 

Group Membership

Can I change my small group?

Unfortunately, we cannot change your small group once it has been assigned. Due to the various group size constraints and time-zone considerations, we cannot change small group assignments unless it is absolutely necessary.

Can I stay with the same members in my current small group in future courses?

We are unable to accommodate requests to stay in the same small group in future courses. Due to the varying number of students and their locations, we cannot commit to keeping the same small groups together.

However, students will find that they often are in the same small groups together. This is only natural if you are in the same degree program and taking the same courses together. 

Some students have created their own small groups outside of courses as well. You are welcome to create a group on Workplace to keep in touch.

What should I do if I feel uncomfortable or have a conflict with someone in my small group?

Please contact immediately and notify us. You may also exit the meeting immediately if you do not feel safe at any point in a meeting. Your safety and security are top concerns for us and we want to make sure such an environment is being created and honored in every interaction.

General Questions

Why do we do small groups at all?

Small groups are an important part of our online programs. Meeting others taking this seminary is important for you as a student and small groups provide this opportunity. Small groups provide a low-stress way for you to learn while also providing the rich experience of meeting fellow brothers and sisters to pray and encourage one another. It also is a great place to practice how you might discuss and teach the materials you are learning. Finally, they provide a chance for you to form deep, lifelong friendships and ministry partnerships.

How did you determine who would be in my small group?

Small group assignment takes into a number of different considerations including the locations of our students and their time zones. Our first priority is to place you in groups of 3-5 (ideally 4, if possible) in the same time zones. However, we try to limit groups to 3 members when you are in multiple time zones.

What should I do if my small group members drop the course?

If you are in a group with at least three members after a small group member drops, then you can continue to meet without a new member. If you are in a group of two, then you may either choose to continue to meet together or reach out to to ask for a reassignment. If all members of your small group drop the course, then please reach out to to be assigned another small group.

Are the requirements for small groups in counseling courses (courses starting with PTC) different?

Yes, the requirements for the counseling course small group meetings are different. Counseling courses have “PTC” in the course code (for example, PTC 151). Please refer to the assignment in Canvas for specific instructions.

What do I do if I have to miss a number of meetings during a term?

If you are unable to attend any of the small group meetings, then you can submit the alternate assignment for 85% credit. If extenuating circumstances require you to miss a number of meetings and you are aware of this at the start of the term, then please reach out to to see if any other arrangements can be made.

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