ST 313 Course at a Glance

Doctrine of Salvation

Lectures By: Dr. Sinclair Ferguson

Effective for the Academic Year: 2024-2025

Course Description

In this course we have the privilege of exploring the loci of theology that relate to soteriology, or the application of Christ’s completed "once for all" work of salvation to the church and the individual believer. We will seek to understand the manifold benefits of Christ and how the Holy Spirit generously bestows them upon his people. We will explore the inner coherence, harmony, and logic of God’s redemptive work of conforming his people "to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers" (Rom. 8:29).

Books to Purchase

The books listed below are required readings which students should acquire by the start of the term. Additional required readings will be listed in the course syllabus and available electronically in Canvas.

Reformed Dogmatics, Volume 4
by Herman Bavinck
Baker, 2008
ISBN: 9780801026577
The Wonderful Works of God
by Herman Bavinck
Westminster Seminary Press, 2019
ISBN: 9781733627221
Redemption Accomplished & Applied
by John Murray
Eerdmans, 2015
ISBN: 9780802873095
By Faith, Not By Sight
by Richard B. Gaffin
P&R, 2013
ISBN: 9781596384439

Estimated Workload

Lectures Readings Assignments
1.9 86 2.4
Hours Per Week Pages Per Week Hours Per Week

Course Assignments

The assignments listed below are provided for general guidance for students to reference as they plan and register. Please reach out to if you have any questions.

  • Critical Response Paper [1,000 words]
  • Final Paper [6-8 pgs]
  • Key Text Papers [2 assignments (3-4 pgs each)]
  • Small Group Discussions [4 - 1 hr meetings]