ST 101-1 Course at a Glance

Introduction to Systematic Theology

Lectures By: Dr. David Garner

Effective for the Academic Year: 2024-2025

Course Description

Introduction to Systematic Theology is the first of the many Systematic Theology courses at Westminster. In this class, you will be introduced to answers to questions like, How do I know what I know? What is "Systematic Theology"? How do we know anything about God and His world? What is Scripture, and how can I know that it is trustworthy? Special attention will also be given to Christ as the center of God’s revelation and all human thought and the Holy Spirit’s role in God’s revelation. Through lectures, readings, and interaction with experienced instructors and fellow students, you will walk away from this class with a solid foundation for the rest of biblical and systematics courses throughout your program.

Books to Purchase

The books listed below are required readings which students should acquire by the start of the term. Additional required readings will be listed in the course syllabus and available electronically in Canvas.

An Introduction to Systematic Theology (2nd edition)
by Cornelius Van Til
P&R, 2007
ISBN: 9780875527895

Estimated Workload

Lectures Readings Assignments
1.7 89 2
Hours Per Week Pages Per Week Hours Per Week

Course Assignments

The assignments listed below are provided for general guidance for students to reference as they plan and register. Please reach out to if you have any questions.

  • Small Group Meetings [4 - 1 hr mtgs]
  • 3 Reading Summaries [5-10 pages of short summaries of your readings]
  • 1 Response Paper [3 - 4 pages]
  • 1 Final Exam [2 hours]