PTC 523 Course at a Glance

Counseling in the Local Church

Lecturing Faculty: Michael Gembola

Effective for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Course Description

The objectives for this course are: 1) Survey the spectrum of interpersonal ministry that exists in the local church, recognizing both public and private ministries of the Word for the whole church as a ministering community. 2) Learn to assess a church’s culture, especially the ways this helps or hinders congregational care. Students will consider this through examining both informal relational care and the structures of the church where congregational care occurs (e.g., church discipline, small groups, lay counseling). 3) Avoid pitfalls (e.g., crises, burnout) and to leverage opportunities (e.g., small group, hospital visitation) in congregational care. 4) Study contextual dynamics of a local church that help or hinder thriving congregational care. 5) Study and create a plan to strengthen current congregational care provisions in local church settings

Books to Purchase

The books listed below are required readings which students should acquire by the start of the term. Additional required readings will be listed in the course syllabus and available electronically in Canvas.

Facing Messy Stuff in the Church: Case Studies for Pastors and Congregations
by Kenneth L. Swetland
Kregel Publications, 2005
ISBN: 9780825436963
Mobilizing Church-Based Counseling: Models for Sustainable Church-Based Care
by Brad Hambrick
New Growth Press, 2023
ISBN: 9781645073291
Facilitating Counseling Groups: A Leader's Guide for Group-Based Counseling Ministry
by Brad Hambrick and John Chapman
New Growth Press, 2023
ISBN: 9781645073314

Estimated Workload

Lectures Readings Assignments
1.5-2 46-90 3-6
Hours Per Week Pages Per Week Hours Per Week

Course Assignments

The assignments listed below are provided for general guidance for students to reference as they plan and register. Please reach out to if you have any questions.

  • Small Group Meetings [4 - 1 hr mtgs]
  • Learning to Serve Locally Paper [5 - 6 pages]
  • Personal Care Plan Paper [3-5 pages]
  • Congregational Care in My Church Paper [6-8 pages]