NT 143 Course at a Glance

New Testament Theology for Application

Lectures By: Dr. Brandon Crowe

Effective for the Academic Year: 2024-2025

Course Description

This course does two things simultaneously. First, it is designed to fill
out your knowledge of the content of the New Testament. Many of the readings and lectures are not directly about application, but are rather the material to be applied. Second, this course is designed to give you the opportunity to move from Biblical content to ministerial context to apply the passage to yourself and to others. A good portion of the readings and lectures, as well as almost all of your own work, directly addresses the skill of applying the NT to ministerial situations. Both aspects of the class reinforce and enhance one another; you have not understood the Bible if you have not applied it, and you cannot apply the Bible unless you understand its message and theology. Doing both at once is difficult, but the goal is to direct all learning in Bible content to exhortation. Thus, as we discuss theological and exegetical content, be intentionally thinking, "how is this useful?" Similarly, as we address ministerial problems and counseling situations, be intentionally thinking "what texts might address this and why?" As this class progresses, we will come to appreciate the inseparable link between the two.

Books to Purchase

The books listed below are required readings which students should acquire by the start of the term. Additional required readings will be listed in the course syllabus and available electronically in Canvas.

The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption: Wisdom from James, Peter, John, and Jude
by Brandon D. Crowe
P & R, 2015
ISBN: 9781629950518
How to Understand and Apply the New Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology
by Andrew David Naselli
P & R, 2017
ISBN: 9781629952482
ISBN:This book will also be used in BT 173

Estimated Workload

Lectures Readings Assignments
2.8 0-45 2.2
Hours Per Week Pages Per Week Hours Per Week

Course Assignments

The assignments listed below are provided for general guidance for students to reference as they plan and register. Please reach out to support@wts.edu if you have any questions.

  • Small Group Meetings [4 - 1 hr mtgs]
  • 3 Response Papers [3 - 5 pages each]
  • 4 Reading Summary Assignments [1/2 - 1 page each]