Using a Westminster Laptop or Computer

Westminster no longer has a normal computer lab.  However, we do still have computers available for student use located in two places.  If any problems arise while using a student computer, please contact

Andreas Basement:

On the basement level of the Andreas Academic center, there are two public workstations located next to the printer.  These computers are equipped with Microsoft Office and full access to the library catalog and databases.  It is important to note that all student data is wiped from these computers every night, so please be sure to save your data to a USB stick or your student Google Drive account before logging off. 

Laptop Rentals:

Laptops are available to be checked out from the Library Circulation Desk. These laptops are available for students to use for writing papers or doing research from anywhere in the library.

Much like reference materials, the laptops are only for use within the library and may not be taken outside the building.  We also expect that Westminster's Code of Conduct will be followed by all students using the laptops.  If the laptops are not returned on time, there will be an overdue fine of $10 per hour for every hour that the laptop is not returned to the Circulation Desk and that the library is open.