
Corporate worship is an integral part of healthy theological study. As such, campus life provides for regular times of worship. 

On Wednesday mornings at 11:00am (ET), faculty members and, occasionally, seminary guests, speak in chapel. Residential and online students are welcome and encouraged to attend. Residential students may join us on the first floor of the Carriage House, while online students can joining us virtually through our YouTube livestream. Note that seminary administrative offices and the library are closed during this important weekly time for the seminary community to gather in worship.

Following chapel, prayer groups led by faculty members meet residentially. For prayer group locations, reference the information emailed to your address at the beginning of the semester.

Online students meet once a month for a time of prayer after chapel. Check the Dean's Desk Workplace page for the dates and links to the monthly prayer meeting.

Students are strongly encouraged to attend both chapel and times of prayer regularly.

Times of worship vary in their form but not in their goal: to remind us of our chief end of glorifying God and enjoying him forever.