Guide for Using Adobe Scan

Adobe Scan is a free app from Adobe that allows you to easily scan a document, covert it to PDF, and share it (including transferring to your computer).

For more information, please consult the Adobe Scan documentation for your mobile device's operation system. Links to Adobe Scan documentation for:

You can also follow the screen shots below (only provided in the iOS at this time, Android screenshots coming soon).

  1. After downloading and installing the app on your mobile device. Open the app and use your WTS student email (or any Google account you would like) to access the application.

  1. Place the document you would like to scan on a flat, well-lit surface. Make sure there is enough contrast with the surface and your document for the camera to detect the document size. Please note, you will have to give access to the app to your device camera (and photos if you wish to use photos from your existing library).

    The app will automatically take the picture when the document is recognized and an image can be captured.

    When you are finished, then click on the small preview window (circled in red below)

    *Please note, you can scan multiple pages during one session. Once the page being scanned is completed and the app goes back to trying to recognize the page to scan, then replace the page and scan using step 2 (above) again. Repeat until you are finished.

  1. When you are reading to share your document, then click on the "Share" button (circled below). A small window will slide up from the bottom of the screen. Select "Share a copy."

  1. Choose how you would like to share with your computer. We advise that you use your WTS student email to email the scan to yourself. We have shown how you can select Gmail and use your WTS account to email it to yourself.

  1. Download the document to your computer and upload it to the Canvas assignment.

Please consult the documentation for more detailed instructions on how to use the Adobe Scan app.

If you run into any difficulties, then please reach out to your instructor or